full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Thing neubmr one: Play with fire. Learning to control one of the most elemental forces in nature is a pivotal moment in any child's pernsaol history. Whether we reebmemr it or not, it's the first time we really get control of one of these mysterious things. These mysteries are only revealed to those who get the opportunity to play with it. So, playing with fire. This is like one of the geart things we ever discovered, fire. From playing with it, they learn some basic principles about fire, about iantke, combustion, exhaust. These are the three wrnkoig elements of fire that you have to have for a good, coltnloerd fire. And you can think of the open-pit fire as a laboratory. You don't know what they're going to learn from pilyang with it. Let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me, they're going to learn things that you can't get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys.

Open Cloze

Thing ______ one: Play with fire. Learning to control one of the most elemental forces in nature is a pivotal moment in any child's ________ history. Whether we ________ it or not, it's the first time we really get control of one of these mysterious things. These mysteries are only revealed to those who get the opportunity to play with it. So, playing with fire. This is like one of the _____ things we ever discovered, fire. From playing with it, they learn some basic principles about fire, about ______, combustion, exhaust. These are the three _______ elements of fire that you have to have for a good, __________ fire. And you can think of the open-pit fire as a laboratory. You don't know what they're going to learn from _______ with it. Let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me, they're going to learn things that you can't get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys.


  1. working
  2. great
  3. controlled
  4. playing
  5. intake
  6. remember
  7. number
  8. personal

Original Text

Thing number one: Play with fire. Learning to control one of the most elemental forces in nature is a pivotal moment in any child's personal history. Whether we remember it or not, it's the first time we really get control of one of these mysterious things. These mysteries are only revealed to those who get the opportunity to play with it. So, playing with fire. This is like one of the great things we ever discovered, fire. From playing with it, they learn some basic principles about fire, about intake, combustion, exhaust. These are the three working elements of fire that you have to have for a good, controlled fire. And you can think of the open-pit fire as a laboratory. You don't know what they're going to learn from playing with it. Let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me, they're going to learn things that you can't get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
safety regulations 3
child safety 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
child safety regulations 2

Important Words

  1. basic
  2. combustion
  3. control
  4. controlled
  5. discovered
  6. dora
  7. elemental
  8. elements
  9. exhaust
  10. explorer
  11. fire
  12. fool
  13. forces
  14. good
  15. great
  16. history
  17. intake
  18. laboratory
  19. learn
  20. learning
  21. moment
  22. mysteries
  23. mysterious
  24. nature
  25. number
  26. opportunity
  27. personal
  28. pivotal
  29. play
  30. playing
  31. principles
  32. remember
  33. revealed
  34. terms
  35. time
  36. toys
  37. trust
  38. working